Lake Johnson Inventory Open House

Here’s our team on the second day of class.  It was a different world on 8 January!

Welcome to the Lake Johnson Inventory Virtual Open House!  

Tuesday 5 May 1:30-3PM via Zoom [ click here to join ]

To phone in or if the link does not work for you, here are some other ways to join.


Guest Exit Survey – please complete this short survey before you leave – it’s just 3 optional questions, 2 of which are your name and organization.


We ask that you keep your microphone muted unless you are interacting with the presenters.

Our teams spent several weeks collecting natural resources inventory data in the portion of Lake Johnson Park west of the lake and north of Avent Ferry Road.  Then C-19 hit and things got shaken up a bit, but we still managed to collect a good bit of information. Today, we’d like to present that information to you.

Each of our 5 teams – erosion, trails, vegetation, water quality, and wildlife (see details below) – has a short, results-based presentation ready for you.  Depending on audience size at the start of the session, we will either have a virtual open house format with breakout rooms (large audience) or teams will present their results sequentially (small audience).  That decision will be made on the spot.

The full Final Report and an Executive Summary are available for you to view.



Here’s how this will work

First, we’ll have a 10ish minute introduction with an overview of the project and a 60-second teaser (one interesting thing they discovered) from each of the 5 teams.  At that point, I (Hess) will look at audience numbers and decide which format to use.

Open House Format … If there are enough people (I’m thinking 15 or more), I will put each team into a separate breakout room.  For the first round, I’ll randomly put people into one room so that each team has an audience of about the same size (3 or more).  After you’ve participated in your first presentation, you can leave that room.  You’ll wind up in the main room and I will place you into whichever room you’d like next.  I’m not going to synchronize presentations among rooms, so you might pop into the middle of the presentation in the next room – just stay and ask for a repeat once they’re done, if you’d like to hear the beginning.  When you’ve had enough, you can leave.

Sequential Presentation Format … This one is very simple.  Each team will, in turn, make a 10ish-minute presentation of their results.  Each presentation is intended to be interactive, so you should feel free to raise your hand or say “Excuse me” to ask questions at any time; or you can wait until the team is done.

When you’re done … I’d appreciate it if you would please sign out by taking this very brief Guest Exit Survey.  You don’t have to answer any of the questions, but I’d love it if you would at least leave your name and work affiliation.

We ask that you keep your microphone muted unless you are interacting with the presenters.


Heading off test the waters. Photo by J Cochran.


Visit any or All of the Inventory Teams

To visit one of the teams, go to the main room and the host will ask where you want to go.  Raise your hand or send a note by chat if you’re not getting attention.  If the team is not already talking when you get to the breakout room, unmute your microphone, say “Hi” and ask the team to begin their presentation.  Feel free to introduce yourself.  When you’re done in a room, simply leave that room, go back to the main room, and the host will place you wherever you want to go next.



Learn where soil erosion is having an impact and what can be done to reduce it.


Water Quality

Have a look at water conditions in the lake an western tributaries.


Have a look at the condition and use of the main trail as well as social trail establishment.



Learn what kinds of mammals, birds, and herps we found.



Learn about the forest communities and the threats from invasive plants.

The full Final Report and an Executive Summary are available for you to view.

Presentation Agenda

13:00 – 13:15  Team members arrive and setup.  I will have established breakout rooms for each team. 

13:15 – 13:30  Guests arrive

13:30  Introductions [ Hess ]

13:35  Project overview and teaser slides [ Hess + team leaders ]

13:40 – 15:30 (latest)  Breakout rooms or sequential [ team members ]

15:30 – 16:00 Audience departs and we debrief (Guest Exit Survey)

16:00 Adjourn

Technical Requirements … To participate fully, you should be on a computer or mobile device that has a camera (so they can see you- though you don’t need to be visible), a microphone (so you can ask questions), a screen (so you can see the presentation material), and speakers (so you can hear the presenters).  You could get by without a microphone if you’re willing to type your questions into a chat window.  You will also need to download the appropriate Zoom Cloud Conferencing client – you’ll be prompted when you try to join the meeting, if you don’t already have it downloaded.  I encourage you to sign on to Zoom and test your setup well before the meeting.

If you must call in or cannot enter from the link, here is the information for that …

<<Removed post-session>>