These exemplary NC State Courses have undergone a rigorous external course review process and received official Quality Matters Certification.
Clicking on the course name will take you to the certification page on the Quality Matters website.Course number and name | Course Representative | College | Certification Period (year-year) |
ARE 306 Agricultural Law | Dr. Andrew Branan | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2024-2029 |
HESF 211 - Strength Training and Conditioning | Dr. Brenda Watson | University College | 2024-2029 |
HESF 101 Fitness and Wellness | Ashley White | University College | 2024-2029 |
FS 201 - Introduction to Food Science | Paige Luck | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2024-2029 |
LPS 400 - Decisive Leadership | Dr. Dmitri Mitin | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2024-2029 |
ECI 571 - Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities | Dr. Jordan Lukins | College of Education | 2024-2029 |
LPS 200 - Introduction to Leadership in the Public Sector | Dr. Tracy Appling | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2018-2029 |
AEE 226 - Computer Applications and Information Technology in Agricultural and Extension Education | Dr. Wendy Warner | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2023-2028 |
BIT 295 - Biotechnology & Sustainability | Dr. Carlos Goller | College of Sciences/Biotechnology Program | 2023-2028 |
BUS 360 - Marketing Methods | Dr. Pieter Verhallen | Poole College of Management | 2023-2028 |
EAC 538 - Instructional Strategies in Adult and Higher Education | Dr. Susan Barcinas | College of Education | 2023-2028 |
EAC 583 - Needs Assessment and Tasks Analysis in Training and Development | Dr. Pooneh Lari | College of Education | 2023-2028 |
ECI - 515 Cultural Investigations and Technical Representations in Education | Dr. Florence Martin | College of Education | 2023-2028 |
ECD 533 - Introduction to School Counseling | Dr. Rhonda Mitchell | College of Education | 2023-2028 |
ENG 262- Survey of English Literature II | Dr. Anna Gibson | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2023-2028 |
ENG 333 - Communication for Science and Research | Caitlin Stuckey | College of Humanities and Social Sciences | 2023-2028 |
FS 250 - Basics of Food Safety and Quality | Dr. Clint Stevenson | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2023-2028 |
HS 201 - World of Horticulture | Remi Ham | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2023-2028 |
PRT 507 - Strategic Marketing Management in Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Sport Organizations | Dr. Jonathan Casper | College of Natural Resources | 2023-2028 |
NTR 495-594 Nutrition for the Older Adult | Dr. Nicola Singletary | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2023-2028 |
LPS 304 - Grant Writing | Dr. Kelly Laraway | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2023-2028 |
LPS 308 - Terrorism, Political Violence, and the Public Response | Sherry DeLeon | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2023-2028 |
MIE 330 - Human Resource Management | Dr. Paul Mulvey | Poole College of Management | 2018-2028 |
AEE 535 - Teaching Agriculture in Secondary Schools | Dr. Wendy Warner | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2022-2027 |
ARE 332 - Human Resource Management for Agribusiness | Dr. Jonathan Phillips | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2022-2027 |
BIO 592 - Model Organisms in Cellular and Molecular Biology | Dr. Claire Gordy | College of Sciences | 2022-2027 |
BIT 410/510 - Manipulation of Recombinant DNA | Dr. Carlos Goller | College of Sciences/Biotechnology Program | 2022-2027 |
BUS 340 - Information Systems Management | Dr. Sarah Khan | Poole College of Management | 2022-2027 |
EA 501 - Environmental Stressors | Dr. Tamara Pandolfo | College of Natural Resources | 2022-2027 |
EAC 704 - Leadership in Higher and Community College Education | Dr. Michelle Bartlett | College of Education | 2022-2027 |
ANS 225 - Animal Science Nutrition | Dr. Kimberly Ange-Van Heugten | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2022-2027 |
ED 730 - Introduction to Qualitative Research in Education | Dr. Peter Hessling | College of Education | 2022-2027 |
FS 416/516 - Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing | Dr. Clint Stevenson | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2022-2027 |
LPS 302 | Dr. Tracy Appling | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2022-2027 |
MAE 208 - Engineering Dynamics | Dr. Katherine Saul | College of Engineering | 2022-2027 |
PS 331 - U.S. Foreign Policy | Dr. Erica Edwards | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2022-2027 |
PS 203 - Introduction to Non-profits | Dr. Amanda Stewart | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2025-2030 |
PS 331 - U.S. Foreign Policy | Jessica Thomas | Poole College of Management | 2022-2027 |
PRT 506 - Organizational Behavior and Leadership in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sport | Dr. Jason Bocarro | College of Natural Resources | 2022-2027 |
NTR 411 - Breastfeeding and Public Health | Dr. April Fogleman | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2022-2027 |
ACC 210 - Concepts of Financial Reporting | Dr. Bruce Branson | Poole College of Management | 2021-2026 |
ARE 309 - Environmental Law and Economic Policy | Dr. Robert (Andrew) Branan | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2021-2026 |
ANS 205 - Physiology of Domestic Animals | Dr. Shweta Trivedi | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2021-2026 |
ECI 722 - Theory and Research in Distance Education | Dr. Kevin Oliver | College of Education | 2021-2026 |
EMS 573 - Design of Tools and Learning Environments in STEM | Dr. Cesar Delgado | College of Education | 2021-2026 |
ENG 331 - Communication for Engineering and Technology | Dr. Rebecca De Haas | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2021-2026 |
ES 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science | Dr. Megan Lupek | College of Natural Resources | 2021-2026 |
FMS 425 - Feed Manufacturing Technology | Dr. Adam Fahrenholz | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2021-2026 |
FL 424 - Linguistics for ESL Professionals | Dr. Mary Estrada | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2021-2026 |
HESF 102 - Fitness Walking | Peter Koutroumpis | University College | 2021-2026 |
PRT 266 - Introduction to Sports Management | Dr. Edwin Lindsay | College of Natural Resources | 2021-2026 |
PRT 511 - Sports and Entertainment Venue Management | Dr. Kyle Bunds | College of Natural Resources | 2021-2026 |
LPS 425 - Leadership in the Public and Non Profit Sector Capstone | Dr. Amanda Edwards | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2021-2026 |
PSY 230 - Introduction to Psychological Research | Dr. Joseph Simons-Rudolph | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2021-2026 |
PSY 307 - Industrial - Organizational Psychology | Dr. Lori Foster | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2021-2026 |
TTM 581 - Global Textile and Apparel Business Dynamics | Dr. Lori Rothenberg | Wilson College of Textiles | 2021-2026 |
MA 507 - Survey of Real Analysis | Dr. Bevin Maultsby | College of Sciences | 2021-2026 |
ST 558 - Data Science for Statisticians | Dr. Justin Post | College of Sciences | 2020-2025 |
AEE 303/503 Youth Program Management | Dr. Wendy Warner | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2020-2025 |
ARE 304 - Agribusiness Management | Dr. Melissa Hendrickson | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2020-2025 |
ENG 333 - Communication for Science and Research | Jamie Larsen | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2020-2025 |
FS 416/516 Quality Control in Food and Bioprocessing | Dr. Clint Stevenson | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2020-2025 |
IS 200 - Introduction to International Studies | Dr. Seth Murray | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2020-2025 |
LPS 315 - Leadership in the Public Sector | Dr. Frank Perry | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2020-2025 |
MEA 100 - Earth System Science: Exploring the connections | Dr. Lisa Falk | College of Sciences | 2020-2025 |
LPS 320 - Research Methodology for the Public Sector | Dr. Dmitri Mitin | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2020-2025 |
MBA 590 [615] - Ethical Thinking for Managers | Dr. Eileen Taylor | Poole College of Management | 2020-2025 |
PRT 200 - Health, Wellness, and the Pursuit of Happiness | Dr. Michael Kanters | College of Natural Resources | 2020-2025 |
ARE 201 - Introduction to Agricultural and Resource Economics | Dr. Julianne Treme | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2019-2024 |
ECD 535 - Introduction to College Counseling | Dr. Angie Smith | College of Education | 2019-2024 |
ELP 344 - School and Society | Dr. Peter Hessling | College of Education | 2019-2024 |
ENG 331 - Communication for Engineering and Technology | Dr. Christine Cranford | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2019-2024 |
ENG 332 - Communication for Business and Management | Dr. Christine Cranford | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2019-2024 |
LAR 221 - Introduction to Environment and Behavior for Designers | Dr. Nilda Cosco and Dr. Muntazar Monsur | College of Design | 2019-2024 |
MA 231 - Calculus for Life and Management Sciences B | Dr. Molly Fenn | College of Sciences | 2019-2024 |
MB 351 - General Microbiology | Dr. Melissa Ramirez | College of Sciences | 2019-2024 |
MBA 590 - Jenkins Consulting Practicum | Dr. Leigh Shamblin | Poole College of Management | 2019-2024 |
PP 315 - Principles of Plant Pathology | Dr. David Shew | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2019-2024 |
YFCS 545 - Family Communication and Coaching | Dr. Kim Allen | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2019-2024 |
FLS 201 - Spanish for Health Professionals | Dr. Cheryl Block and Ana Gray | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2018-2023 |
PS 305 - Law and Justice in the American Political Process | Dr. Amanda Edwards | College of Humanities & Social Sciences | 2018-2023 |
ARE 306 - Agricultural Law | Dr. Marne Coit | College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | 2018-2023 |