Policies and Procedures

Grading on In-Class or Homework Assignments

This class is non-credit and will be graded on a Pass-Fail basis.
Work assigned in this class will be graded as:
Needs Improvement

To pass, you must have

  1. missed fewer than 2 classes
  2. submitted 80% of assigned homework (through Google drive)

Attendance Policy

Attendance will be taken for each class meeting; roll will be called at the beginning of each class. If a student is late for class, they miss important information and cause a disruption to the flow of the class.  Repeat instances of absence will affect your continued participation in the class.

Academic Integrity (Cheating/Plagiarism)

Academic Integrity: The highest standards of academic honesty will be enforced in this course according to the University policy on academic integrity. Students are expected to submit only work that is the product of their own efforts and must give proper credit and citation to all other information sources. Consult the Office of Student Conduct and/or the following website for further details: http://studentconduct.ncsu.edu/academic-integrity-resources

Statement for Students with Disabilities:

Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/offices/affirm_action/dss.  For more information on NC State’s policy on students with disabilities, please see the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation. http://policies.ncsu.edu/regulation/

Use of Electronics in the Classroom

All laptops, cell phones, smartphones, iPads, etc., must be turned off during class except when the instructor requires such devices for class activities. It is rude and distracting to the instructor and your fellow classmates to have a telephone ring, to text, or surf the Internet during class. If there is a  family emergency and you must answer your phone, please leave the classroom to do so.