Why should I use WolfWare WordPress?

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I want to create a public “landing page” for my course

Whether you teach face-to-face, online, or blended, it can be useful to have a website with course information for prospective students or anyone who is curious to know more about the course than just the paragraph that the course catalog description provides.

I want to deliver my instructional content through a website

WolfWare WordPress is the tool for you! It was designed specifically for use with WolfWare academic courses, but can also be used to deliver instructional and training content in project and outreach spaces. You can make all of your content open and public on the web, or you can restrict access to just enrolled students and designated users. You can publish as much or as little information online as you want, with the knowledge that instructor and student/user access is managed securely.

I want my students to post to a class blog

Blogging is a great way to add variety to assessments. With WolfWare WordPress, you can allow students to make posts without allowing them full editing access to the entire site. Restricting site access to enrolled students ensures that student data remains secure. By enabling comments on posts, students can interact with each other in the online space.

I just want a space to upload files for my students to view, link to, and/or download

Do you want an online space to host files for your students, but are not ready to build out a full website yet? In WolfWare WordPress, you can upload most file types to the Media Library. Once uploaded, the file has a URL that you can link to from anywhere.

[callout heading=”How do you think you could use WolfWare WordPress?” headingicon=”noicon” textalign=”textleft” type=”basic” bgcolor=”huntyellow”]Tell us how you think you can use WolfWare WordPress in your course, project, or outreach space. Is there a scenario not listed here that would help you to deliver your content online?
Leave a comment in the box below![/callout]