Library Search Tools

On the NCSU Library homepage, enter your search term(s) in the library catalog search box, click on the top tabs for the type of resource you want to find. If you want to search your term(s) in all library resources, leave it on the “All” tab, which is the default. The catalog search box is located on most of the library web pages.

Clicking on any of the search box tabs will change the search box field to include other options, including “More Search Options,” which will take you to another page with a search box that allows you to do advanced searches. With advanced searches, you can narrow down by date, publication type, and other fields such as titles, authors, etc.

Underneath the library search box, you will see links to:

More Resarch Tools: Databases, Journal Titles, Citation Builder

These tools allow you to search for databases and journal titles alphabetically, and properly cite your work (we will discuss citations later).

More information on finding materials

NOTE: Google scholar may be accessed from any popular Internet search engine, but to be able to access materials, you should use access Google Scholar from the NCSU library website.

Reference lists

Sometimes a great method of finding materials relevant to your topic is to consult the reference list of a recent research article. The list of references may cue you in to other important literature in the field.


Ask a reference librarian for help or use the “chat now” function available from the navigation bar of most library web pages.

NOTE: the NCSU library is a great source for access to free copies of articles and books. You can usually download these materials in “PDF full text” format, “HTML full text” format, or you can find them in the library book stacks. The library catalog will tell you if the material you need is a PDF. Sometimes, the library does not have the material on hand, but they can order it for you through “Tripsaver Interlibrary Loan” (See above under, “Materials not found at NCSU.”